Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 11-August 11, 2010

Oh summer camp. I work at a summer camp for special needs children. Most of the kids are great (the girl I work with, well she's a different story. I got punched in the eye today...) and I love being around them! The kids had to write post cards to their favorite camp counselor today, since our last day of camp is on Friday. One camper wrote a letter to Billy Joel!! I didn't even know Billy Joel was at camp, I've missed him the last 8 weeks!! So cute :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 10-August 10, 2010

Oh, I love this picture!! My Papa, love him SO much <3

Him and my Mama came over for dinner. He decided to pick up my computer to look up the news (my Papa has never used a computer in his life). My facebook was up! He saw that it said "top news 252" & he thought he had to type the numbers 252 to get the top news stories from today up on my computer! So cute lol I told him if he ever gets a computer, I'll sign him up for facebook :)

Day 9-August 9, 2010

My first picture on my blog...with shaving cream on me. Attractive! This was my day, at camp (where I work). It's our last week, so we're doing fun activities...aka the messy ones. Today: shaving cream art, that turned into one huge shaving cream mess. This is actually me cleaned up! I had it all over my face, down my back & on my shirt. I should have taken a picture then!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 8-August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday "Big Dick"!! Today was my future father in law's 62 birthday. A BIGGIE!! He's officially retired :) :) Now he'll have all the spare time in the world to help Brian & I if we buy a "fixer upper" of a house. We're going to look Tuesday at a house we're very interested in! We'll see how it goes.

Brian's Dad is a huge Pitt fan, so we decided to take him to the Pitt vs. Notre Dame (ND is Brian's favorite team) in Notre Dame October 9th for his birthday/retirement present! He's so excited, we can't wait to take him!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 7- August 7, 2010

Today was a great day! Tony Pup got a haircut :) How cute does he look? Adorable!! Brian & I went to Olive Garden for dinner & checked out a house!

Day 6- August 6, 2010

It's FINALLY sunny out!! Yey for it feeling like summer :) We went to the St. Vitus bazaar tonight, love it <3 <3 We watched an Italian game called Morra. All the old Italian men were playing it, and now I'm obsessed! You are suppose to show a number with your fingers, then the other person is suppose to do the same & whoever adds them up first is suppose to yell out the number in Italian. It ends up being people just throwing numbers and guessing the number. It got seriously intense, and I loved everything about it! Just another thing to make me adore my heritage even more! <3 <3

Day 5- August 5, 2010

Sooooo $3 pitcher night got the best of me & I forgot to take any pictures while we were out :( This picture best describes how the night ended, two HUGE bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios :) Aren't drunk munchies the best?? haha

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 4- August 4, 2010

Another rainy day. I swear, it doesn't even feel like summer. Since there's nothing else to do (& Brian's softball game got rescheduled for Friday) we played with the dog after dinner! My two boys, I love them! And how gorgeous does my fiance's eyes look in this picture?? Gosh I love him!

You know, I read in a book once that when you become a mother (No, I don't actually consider myself a true mother, but I do feel like one to my puppy baby), you loose a lot of pictures of yourself because you're usually the one behind the camera. I guess they were right, I mean don't even have a picture of me on here yet! Every Thursday we go out for wings, so maybe tomorrow I'll finally make a debut on my blog! ;)

Goodnight all! Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3- August 3, 2010

Day 3 is a raining, cold day in August! Add that to a miserable day at work, and you get a very lazy wife-to-be. So what's the perfect dinner for a bad rainy day you may ask? Grilled cheese sandwiches & tomato soup!! Even if Brian had chicken noodle ;) It really brightened my day, especially since Brian & Pete cooked! Now we're about to watch a movie. The end :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 2- August 2, 2010

Day 2! I had a horrible day at work today, so as soon as I got home, I took my Tony Pup for a walk to de-stress. It worked great! Tony's very tired though and will not get off the couch now. lol

Bachlorette season finale & Real Housewives of New Jersey tonight!! :) Yey!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 1-August 1, 2010

Day 1 is here! Brian and I were at a family reunion today, from 11am until 9pm. It was a lonnng (but very fun!!) day! I took this picture, no it's not an avertizment for WalMart ;), to show what we're doing now! Watching SHARK WEEK!! :) Best way to come home and relax!

This is our living room within my father's house lol That's Brian & My baby Tony <3 Both who you'll see many more pictures of I'm sure. It shows a good glimpse of "us". My favorite saying, "Live Love Laugh" sign, Brian's guitar for guitar hero, my library books,my diploma from Westminster, picture frames that need pictures in them!! (haha) So there ya go! Day 1 down!